Turn Your Love for Coffee into an Exciting Career

Turn Your Love for Coffee into an Exciting Career

Coffee, our beloved brew has been an inevitable part of our life for ages. If we search for any ideas, think to plan something, or need a fresh start, a coffee cup is all you need to stimulate your energy. While sitting back and relaxing with a coffee mug, we are not just drinking that beverage instead we first relish its enchanting aroma and then the delicious taste with every single sip. And that’s how a passionate coffee lover is born.   

This blog is all about turning your passion for coffee into a wonderful profession. Yes, it’s possible!

It’s a dream for many to enter the coffee industry. Making this jump is really hard work as there is a lot to understand and learn in this field. For instance, you may have noticed baristas at the coffee shops. Hands on the machine most time, knowing and making diverse coffee to make a customer feel satisfied is not as easy that seems to be. If you want to pursue a job in this industry one thing is for sure, you will never stop learning. 

Hospitality is the face of Coffee.

Each part of the coffee trade is about serving and helping others. You may be thinking while you work as a coffee roaster or as doing any other job in the office, you are not coming face to face with the customers every day. But you are there helping to serve, sell, and share the message of coffee across the world.

Motivate yourself to convert your passion.

No one is going to come and show you everything you want to learn about coffee and train you to do all the experiments for the entire day. You must find your own inspiration to make your skills better. It may be the hardest, but will certainly pay off later. Give your best shot at work and spare some extra time for training to sharpen your skills to flourish.

A Career in coffee is amazing but at the same time, it is labor-intensive and repetitive. Motivation is the key that can help you better harness your passion and enjoy the work you do. 

Share your thoughts and motivation.

If coffee is the profession you are passionate about, then try to build a community around you to share your thoughts, experiences, and motivation, inspiring others to take the path. Try to involve others in experiments, tasting processes, try out new recipes, cupping, make ferments, share feedback, and always chase the best flavor as a team because it can develop your skills and help to grow together.

Start from the basics.

If you are on to master the art of making divine coffee, you need to set your basics first. Get more information on coffee beans, their origins, harvesting, processing, flavor profiles, roasting, fermenting, cupping, etc. If you don’t invest enough time to learn the basics of coffee, then there is no point in moving towards new products, tools, and great machines in the world of coffee.

So, if reading this blog helped you a bit to move towards your dream job, then here’s a wonderful opportunity for you!

New job vacancies are now available at Kerchanshe Trading PLC, the largest producer of coffee in Ethiopia.


To find more about the job vacancies and recruitment in Ethiopia, head over to the Careers page of Kerchanshe now!